lives in Berlin and New York

Taught from 1999 to 2002 at the San Francisco Art Institute:
Installation Art, Social Sculpture and Public Art


2024 Nationales Freiheits -und Einheits-Denkmal, Leipzig, 3. Platz, mit artist Thomas Moecker und architect Anna Dilengite
(National Freedom-and Unity Monument, Leipzig, Germany)
2002 New York City Art Commission Award for Design of Public Art
2002 Marler Medienkunst-Preis, Raum-Medien, Museum Marl (German Media Art Award)
1999 German Ministry of Inner Affairs, Berlin, Germany, Kunstfonds artist grant.
1998 Istanbul, Turkey, foreign residency artist grant from the Senat of Berlin, Germany.
1997 Djerassi Foundation , Woodside, CA, artist in residence.1996 City Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand, artist in residence.
1995 Goethe Institute, Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan, artist in residence.
1994 Senat of Berlin, artist grant ,Berlin, Germany


2023 SILENT STREAM, UNION SQUARE Central subway station, San Francisco,
Commission with artist Jim Campbell, large scale sculpture through the entire station,
San Francisco Art Commission 2023.

2021 CANDELABRO Video/Audio Sculpture for the Sousa Mendes Foundation, New York
about the portuguese Diplomat Aristides de Sousa Mendes to be installed
at the TIKVA Jewish Museum, Lisbon, PT

2014-17 Permanent large scale kinetic sculpture and a permanent light installation,
Dosse Park – Sculpture Park, Wittstock, Germany

2005-10 SeaTac Airport,Seattle, Light Rail Station, 2 kinetic light sculptures activated by air pressure of passing trains SoundTransit Public Art

2007-09 Designing a series of interactive bus shelters commissioned by the German phone concern TELEKOM. The lighting of these shelters shift in hue in relation to proximity of the buses.

2004 San Francisco International Airport, commissioned kinetic interactive Sculpture, Collection, City of San Francisco

2004 Arp Museum, Remagen, Germany, Commission for a permanent interavtive Installation in the Museum, Collec tion State Rhineland-Pfalz, Germany

2002-09 Staten Island Ferry Project, New York, NY, Commission for the public art on the three ferries, Department of Culture and Department of Transportation, New York City.

2000 Expo 2000 Worldfair, Hannover, Germany.

1999 Charité Hospital, Berlin, permanent indoor Installation, Collection, City of Berlin

1999 University of Business, Ludwigshafen, Germany, permanent kinetic outdoor Installation

1999 Mirrors Exhibition, Perception Museum, Munich, Germany, Concept and Production

1998 Brennero Pass, Austrian/Italian border, kinetic outdoor Monument


Peitz, Christiane, mind your step, Installation from Werner Klotz, Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 8/20/2023

Lopez, Mario Jorge, Publico Magazine, Portugal, Neste Candelabro brilha o exemplo de um homem justo, 4/26/2021

Kornhoff, Oliver and Mattern, Jutta, Das Auge ist ein seltsames Tier, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck,solo catalogue, 2017

Kacunco,Slavco, Spiegel.Medium.Kunst. Zur Geschichte des Spiegels im Zeitalter des Bildes
Mirror. Medium. Art. On the history of mirror in the age of image, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munich, Germany, 2010

Kimmelmann, Michael: Risks and Rewards in the Art in the Open, in New York Times, 19.8.2005

Kacunco,Slavco, Closed Circuit Video Installations, catalogue essay, Logos Verlag, Germany, 2004

Prinz, Ursula, Sisyphus Flight, Zwischenspiel V, Berlinische Galerie, Landesmuseum , Berlin, 2003

Freitag, Michael and others, Werner Klotz-Exercise Room, solo catalogue, Galerie der Jenoptic, Jena, Germany, 2000

Daniels, Dieter, German Media Art 1980-2000, catalogue essay, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2000

Kunde, Harald, and others, Material & Wirkung, solo exhibition catalogue, Kunsthaus, Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 1998

Barzel, Amnon, Targetti Light Art Collection, catalogue essay, Florence, Italy, 1998

Block, René and Angelika Stepken, Medienkunst aus Berlin, catalogue essay, Berlin, 1997

Happel, Reinhold and others, Werner Klotz, solo exhibition catalogue, Kunstverein Braunschweig, 1996

Fehr, Michael, Werner Klotz – Perception Instruments, solo catalogue, Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, 1996

Daniels, Dieter, Minima Media, catalogue essay, Medienbiennale, Leipzig, Germany, 1994

Schultz, Bernd, René Pritikin and others, Werner Klotz, solo exhibition catalogue, Stadtgalerie, Saarbruecken, Saar bruecken, Germany and Center for the Arts, San Francisco 1994

Haerdter, Michael, Werner Klotz – The Boreas Project , Kuenstlerhaus, Bethanien,Berlin 1992